March 28, 2025


1. Can our school participate in VA STAR if we can only work on computers in an after school club setting?
Yes, schools can participate either as a club or an instructional class such as a CTE foundations or iT Essentials.

2. Where do we get the computers from?
Forest Park the model site has been working on procuring equipment for years and has a number of sources that can provide a majority of VA STAR sites with computer equipment. Each VA STAR site is encouraged to develop partnerships with local companies as well.

3. If my school or district is a mini grant recipient, what can I spend the funds on?
VA STAR mini grant funds can be spent at the discretion of the site coordinator for program development in accordance with your school district’s rules and regulations. Examples include, but are not limited to: classroom activities and curriculum, lab equipment, hard drives, memory, building supplies, food for events, stipend for volunteers, travel for training or computer pickups, t-shirts, etc.

4. How are software licenses handled?
Windows 10 is being provided to participating VA STAR schools.

5. Is ongoing technical support the responsibility of the participating schools?
No. Ongoing technical support to individuals receiving computers can be handled a number of ways. Most often, recipients are referred to local computer service technicians and service providers for any technical support needed.

6. Do I need to put VA STAR computers on my school district’s inventory?
No. VA STAR computers are donated through Prince William County’s Education Foundation (SPARK). These computers do need not need to be recorded in a school system’s inventory unless they are placed on your school district’s network.

7. How can my organization donate surplus inventory to VA STAR?
If you have computer equipment you would like to donate to the VA STAR program, please send us an email with a list of available equipment (manufacturer and model). We will review the list and respond with whether we can accept all or part of the inventory. In rare instances, due to space constraints, we may have to decline.

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